wxXmlResource is the class used to load XML-based resource files.
The XML-based resource system, known as XRC, allows user interface elements such as dialogs, menu bars and toolbars, to be stored in text files and loaded into the application at run-time. XRC files can also be zipped into binary XRS files.
Once an XRC file is loaded, call either xrc_load_dialog or xrc_load_frame. This will load the form and all controls. Call xrc_get_control to create references to any controls execpt menus and tool bars.
For menus, use get_menu_bar to reference the menu bar and get_menu_by_label to reference a menu, find_menuitem_by_position to reference a menuitem, and either find_menuitem_id or or find_menuitem_by_position to retrieve a menuitem id. One of the issues with using menus is that IDs are not saved in the XRC file (even though some tools may lead you to think otherwise).
Returns a reference to the given control name. Does not work for menus or toolbars. Use xrc_load_menu_bar, xrc_load_menu or xrc_load_tool_bar respectively.
Returns wxNOT_FOUND if not found.
Loads a bitmap resource from a file.
Loads the dialog form. parent can be 0.
Loads the frame. parent should be 0 for main frame.
Loads menu from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
Loads a menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure.
Loads a panel. parent points to the parent window (if any). This form is used to finish creation of an already existing instance.
Loads a toolbar.