List Controls

List Controls
Controls which contain items

List Controls

( atom combo, sequence text )

Category: List Controls

Used to add one or more strings into a wxListBox, wxComboBox, or wxChoice. text can be either a string, or a sequence of strings, in which case all of the items will be added.

This is also used to enter one or more string, bitmap sequences into a wxBitmapComboBox.

List Controls

( atom control )

Category: List Controls

Clears all items from a wxListBox, wxListCtrl, wxChoice or wxComboBox.

List Controls

( atom control, integer item )

Category: List Controls

Delete an item from a wxListBox, wxListCtrl, wxComboBox or wxChoice.

List Controls

( atom control, sequence string )

Category: List Controls

Returns the index of specified item string

List Controls

( atom list, integer item )

Category: List Controls

Returns the text label of the list item

This function works for both wxListCtrl and wxListBox.

List Controls

( atom control )

Category: List Controls

Returns the selected index(es) of the control

Used to get the index of the selected item of a wxListBox, wxListCtrl, wxComboBox wxChoice, or wxMultiChoiceDialog. For the case of a wxListBox or wxMultiChoiceDialog. The return is always a sequence, or an empty sequence, if nothing is selected. The other types of controls return -1 is no item is selected.

List Controls

( atom list )

Category: List Controls

Returns the text of selected item

Used to get the text of the selected item of a wxListBox, wxComboBox or wxChoice.

List Controls

( atom list, integer position, sequence text )

Category: List Controls

Inserts the item into the list before position. Not valid for wxLB_SORT or wxCB_SORT styles, use add_item instead.

List Controls

( atom control, object item )

Category: List Controls

To unselect a wxListBox item, the item parameter should be a sequence: {item_number, -1}. To unselect a wxListCtrl item, item should be {item_number, 0}. To select items for a wxMultiChoiceDialog, item should be either an index number starting from zero, or a sequence of indexes.

List Controls

( atom control, integer item, sequence string )

Category: List Controls

Set the string of an item in a wxListBox, wxComboBox or wxChoice.