Notebook Controls

Notebook Controls
Controls with a multi-page interface

Notebook Controls

( atom book, atom page, sequence text, integer select, atom image )

Category: Notebook Controls

Adds the wxWindow page to the notebook, with text on the its tab. select indicates whether the page should be selected, and image is the image index into an imagelist.

Notebook Controls

( atom book )

Category: Notebook Controls

This deletes all pages in a wxNotebook.

Notebook Controls

( atom book )

Category: Notebook Controls

This returns the current selected page of a wxNotebook. The index is 0 based, so the first page will be 0, instead of 1.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer show )

Category: Notebook Controls

This returns the next page in the book if show is 1, or shows the previous page if show is 0. If previous is chosen on the first page, the last page will be returned, and vice versa. Also, keep in mind of the wxNotebook's 0-based index.

Notebook Controls

( atom book )

Category: Notebook Controls

This returns the number of pages in a wxNotebook.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page )

Category: Notebook Controls

This returns the number of the sequence that the page gets it's image from if an imagelist is set. If it gets the image from the second pointer in a sequence, it will return a 1. Keep in mind that the wxNotebook works from a 0-based index as well.

Notebook Controls

( integer position, atom book, atom page, sequence text, integer select, atom image )

Category: Notebook Controls

Sets the selected page to the wxNotebook at a certain position, rather than adding it to the end. The sequence text will appear on it's tab, select can be 1 to make the wxNotebook focus on the selected page or 0 to continue working with the same page. Image will be a pointer to an image if an imagelist exists, or 0 for no image. This works with a 0-based index, so position should be 0 instead of 1 for the first page.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, atom ilist )

Category: Notebook Controls

This sets the wxImageList to the wxNotebook, allowing the wxNotebook's children to use it's icons.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page )

Category: Notebook Controls

Removes the selected page from the wxNotebook. The index is 0 based, so the first page will be 0, instead of 1.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page, atom image )

Category: Notebook Controls

This sets the selected page to have the selected image, so long as an imagelist has been set.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page )

Category: Notebook Controls

This sets the wxNotebook to show the specified page. The index is 0 based, so the first page will be 0, instead of 1.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page, sequence text )

Category: Notebook Controls

Sets the text of the wxNotebook's tab for that page to text. The first page is 0, not 1.

Notebook Controls

( atom book, integer page )

Category: Notebook Controls

Sets the wxNotebook to show a page specified by integer page. The first page is 1 instead of being 0.